
Encounters on Tour



Encounters are currently on Tour - Check out the films at the following dates/venues: 


9’th-13’th of August // Smukfest – at Ambassaden

Every day at 10.00 am

During the festival there will be a filmscreening of one of the films in the series.

10’th of August at 01.30 pm

The films "It is Safe Now" by Yama Rauf & Hakim Ziaee and "Nelliker" by Belal Hashemi

Will be shown and there will be a talk with the film-makers afterwards.

Link: http://www.smukfest.dk/


12’th of August // Copenhagen Undergraound Filmfestival – The Red Square, Nørrebro, Copenhagen

8.30 pm 

Screening of “It is Safe Now” by Yama Rauf & Hakim Ziaee


25’th of August // Kulturmødet – Mors Bio

11.30 am - 01.00 pm

Film screening of all 5 Encounters films and an artist talk with Laura Vilsgaard, Nivetha Balasubramaniam, Omar and Belal Hashemi.

Link: http://kulturmoedet.dk/forside.aspx#0?end=15


28’th of August // Aarhus Festuge

9 pm-11 pm

Film screening of the Encounters series and an artist talk with Marie Bjørn, Freja Nanadowa Rohde Monney and Goran Azizi

Link: https://aarhusfestuge.dk/


15-18 September // German-Russian filmfestival

Screening of “Come closer” by Isabel Bilde and Sayed Rahim Rahimi & “Rain on Canvas” by Freja Nanadowa Rohde Monney and Goran Azizi

Link: http://de.territoriyakino.ru/


If you want to book a talk or a screening, contact Laura Bach Vilsgaard: lbv@afv.dk



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